

Technology - Hyperloop - Unit Four Full Exercise ( Critical Thinkin & Writing )


UNIT - 4



Class 12 Unit 4 Technology Hyperloop Full Exercise | NEB Grade XII Compulsory English Note | NEBdesk |

 Critical Thinking  

a. Is the hyperloop the future of transportation or just a dream? What do you think? 
Justify your opinion with suitable reasons.

Hyperloop is an ultra-high-speed ground transportation system for passengers and cargo. It is a newer form of transport, currently being explored and developed by a number of companies. The concept of the hyperloop has been around for many years but due to lack of technology, these concepts are very difficult to be implemented. Many intellectual people gave the concept regarding hyperloop among them Robert Goddards  'vactrain' and Elon musk 'hyperloop alpha were two of them. These concepts set out how a modern system would work and how much would it cost. 
                          Yes, I think the hyperloop will revolutionize the future of transportation. Before the invention of planes by the wright brothers flying in the sky was just a dream. So everything is possible and we cant take the hyperloop as a dream. Just it needs more research and more investment to be successful. After the development of hyperloop, the travelling will be much easier and cheaper as well as pollution will also be minimized. There are numerous benefits after the implementation of hyperloop but there are many difficulties that may need to face while implementing it. Even though consumers are happy being zoomed around in these tubes. finding the right price for the service will be vital too. As people of cant pay more just for travelling. Also, the success of the hyperloop will vary depending on the destinations, local economics and geography. Still, the hyperloop is at an experimental stage, and great effort need to be applied to make the hyperloop available for common people at a low price.

b. The number of private vehicles is increasing day by day in Nepal beyond the capacity of our infrastructure. What do you think should be done to curb the ever-growing number of private vehicles? Discuss. 

Transport vehicles are one of the necessities of human life. Who does not like to travel in private transport if they have one? After the rapid improvement in education. Nepalese are more likely to get better job options. Improvement in economic condition tends to increase the daily expenses. People spend their money to fulfil their necessities. Private vehicles are handy when it comes to travelling, going for official works. So they seem to be a necessity. In this way, the number of private vehicles is increasing day by day in Nepal.

                                          It is necessary to curb the ever-growing number of private vehicles in Nepal because the infrastructure of Nepal is so weak that it couldn’t handle several vehicles at a time. Also, Increasing pollution is the result of unmanaged vehicles control resulting in severe health problems in humans. To subdue the ever-growing number of private vehicles, the government should restrict buying more than one vehicle for a family. A rule like an odd-even system that is implemented in Delhi where vehicles having odd or even numbers at the end of their number plate will run on the road on an alternative day should be implemented in Nepal too. Government can increase the tax on private vehicles so that people are compelled to travel using public vehicles. Government should limit the number of imports of private vehicles and the budget separated for infrastructural development should be utilized properly.


B. Suppose you are the General Manager of Nepal Airlines. Issue a press release on behalf of the airlines about the cancellation of flights to the mountain regions due to the poor weather condition.

Press Release 

Kathmandu, 22 Sep 2021: Due to seamless rainfall and poor weather conditions, Nepal Airlines would like to announce the cancellation of all the flights to the mountain regions scheduled as 22 Sep 2021.

Today's weather report shows the inclination graph of rain with lightning storms and thunder. Flights on monsoon are most often to get shifted and we thank travelling public for their continued patience. We value our passenger’s ensuring sound flight in the mountain region. The flights will run as usual after the weather clears up.   

Naveen Kharel
General Manager
Nepal Airlines

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