

Family - Unit 2 Full Exercise (Critical Thinking and Writing)


UNIT - 2



Class 12 Unit 2 Family Full Exercises | NEB Grade XII Compulsory English Note | NEBdesk |

Class 12 NEB English Family Critical Thinking

  Critical Thinking  


A. What changes have started to occur in Nepali families in recent days? What impacts will they bring to society? Discuss.

After the introduction of the internet, Nepali society and family has been heavily influenced by a foreign culture. After the wave of democracy, the establishment of schools made education available to most people. As time passed by, women started to realize it is not only their work to take care of the house and family and the fact they can work too. Nowadays, both men and women work which has brought a huge change in the social structure. Family back then used to be usually extended but due to work and industrialization the family is more nuclear nowadays. The divorce rate has increased but I don’t think it's a bad thing. As arranged marriage is still prevailing in our society and women are made to marry someone against their wish. Before they had no choice but to get along and accept it. But now independent women stand against violence. But as the divorce rate increases, it shouts the fact that something is wrong. As such changes are starting to roll out,  Nepalese families will be having positive as well as negative impacts on society.

B. We see many elderly people in elderly homes these days in Nepal. Some of them are abandoned while others live there willingly. Do you think Nepali people are deviating from their traditional culture? Give reasons.

The majority of people in today’s world dedicate their whole life just to earn money. The desire to own things has led to the destruction of many families. The traditional family structure where all 3 generations lived under the same roof has changed. It's not the same anymore. People are so busy that they forget why they are doing all this. Now it’s all nuclear with just a single child who grows up without even knowing what the presence of parents feels like. The only parenting feeling he could get from his grandparents is to be sent to elderly homes. It's a burden to them but it’s what reality has become and we can’t unseen it or deny it. Parents pay someone else to take care of their own children. So it’s very unlikely they would spend time taking care of their own parents. It’s a cycle. It’s inevitable.


A. Write an essay on The Importance of Family. 

While the strict definition of family states family as being those people who are biologically related to you, in real life the term is much faster than that. Families can come in many formats - from the traditional nuclear family to those in which children are raised by relatives to same-sex partners. A family is a group of people who are supposed to be there during good and bad times. They are supposed to be the ones to cherish every possible moment with you. 

Family is very important to me. As it is my happy place. They made me who I am and I am proud that they did take good care of me. Family is a relationship based on trust or blood. Like every relationship, it has its ups and downs. People go through rough times but sticking together at those times and acting as crutches is what matters. 

Family is important for society. As society itself is a group of a bunch of families. Families make society. Humans are social animals. They need each other; they can’t survive alone. Since early human civilization, we can see the sign of community. Sometimes families can’t handle problems themself they need society and other families who have already gone through what they are going through. 

The family was not like this from the beginning. Family structure is constantly changing. A few decades back all 3 generations used to live under the same roof. But now it's all nuclear with a single child usually. Divorce rates are higher than ever. But I don't think there will ever be a time where the family doesn't exist. Humans need each other and technology will help but will it be able to replace the needs of another human. All that is left is to live and see for yourself.

B. Some people think it is better to live in a nuclear family. Other people think that living in an extended family is more advantageous. What do you think? Write an essay discussing the advantages and disadvantages of both.

A family is a group of people related by blood or just based on trust. During early human civilization, humans started to live in groups as they realized it was easier to hunt if they had company. So the strong went hunting while the weak one took care of the house. Even Though the time for hunting has passed people still need each other for mental as well as emotional support.  Long ago there was a trend where all 3 generations lived under the same roof. Sharing food, income, luxuries and living life. But due to industrialization, there has been a drastic change in the family structure. Long ago as we knew, families as extended are rare to be seen. 

The nuclear family is the new family.  Small group, usually consisting of one's spouse and child. People are busy these days so it is kinda difficult to manage time for family and a large family can be a burden. Both families exist in society. Some people love the traditional, some prefer the nuclear. It depends upon the people's needs and thinking. Both of them have their own advantages and disadvantages. 
For a busy couple, a nuclear family is very handy. As it is easy to cook for 3 rather than a family of 14. Nuclear families have needless expenses so it's easy to manage. But it lacks social experience. The child usually brought up in a nuclear family finds it difficult to get along with the crowd. According to stats, divorce rates are higher in nuclear families. 

Extended families on other hand are quite expensive to handle. Cooking every day for 15 people is quite difficult. And due to the overwhelming number of people, the number of conflicts is quite high. But with people around who care about you, it's quite cheerful. Children usually have cousins to grow up with. If one is busy there is always someone else to take care of their child.  So like everything else both types of families have their own pros and cons.

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