

Education - A Story of My Childhood - Unit Five Full Exercise ( Critical Thinking & Writing )

UNIT - 5


A Story of My Childhood

Class 12 Unit 5 Education A story of my childhood Full Exercise | NEB Grade XII Compulsory English Note | NEBdesk |

class12 English a story of my childhood

 Critical Thinking  

A. APJ Abdul Kalam became a renowned aerospace scientist in his later life. Do you find any association of his childhood days in shaping his career? Explain with specific instances from the text. 

Children are the living messages we send to a time we will not see. Children are the future of this very planet and our race. When you are a child, you don't seem to care about what is important. They just care about what they love. APJ didn’t do maths, science so he could be an engineer and earn a load of money or just because it gives you a renowned name. He chose to do it because he loved it. He was brilliant from a very young age.  I believe in hard work but a little bit of talent wouldn’t hurt. He was born as a talented kid and his hard work never failed him. 

He became a renowned aerospace scientist in his later life. His teacher might have played a role in shaping his future unknowingly. He was moved when his teacher took a practical class near the seashore and taught how birds fly which made him fascinated about flight and the rest is history. 

B. Kalam mentions an instance of discrimination against him in his school life. What picture of society does he want to depict by mentioning the incident? Discuss

The world doesn’t work the way you see. There are a load of deeper darker secrets hidden beneath our vision. Some people say that religion, castes, classes were made to avoid unity among people so the ruler can always stay on top with power on their hand. In India, after the British left India, they broke the big country into three parts India, Pakistan and Afghanistan. India vs Pakistan is worldwide famous. It's not just a fight between countries but a fight between religions. India thought of Hindu as superior and Pakistan thought of Muslims as superior but we all at the end of the day it's just a belief which can’t be proven. APJ also had a Hindu friend and being Muslim was a problem because people even hated Muslims and Hindu going along together. Sexism, racism any form of discrimination is the result of illiteracy and false advertisement or news from people from high power. 



Write a short autobiography featuring your childhood life using the following guidelines. 

Me, who am I? I don’t really know. Growing up, teachers told me I was the future of the country. Meanwhile, my grandparents always have been saying the same six words: you look just like your dad. 

                                                   Basically, I am just an average Nepali kid, I was born on May 7 2004 in ……………………. . I was blessed to be born in a middle-class family. During my days as a child, there were no such things as mobile games or video games. I used to spend my time with friends hanging around under the big tree figuring out what to do. We fought many times, wounded ourselves, cried but looking back at it now, those times were precious. No matter how much money I have I won’t get that time back. My parents were very strict when it came to studying, so I was made to study and it became a habit. But I don’t mean I hated it. I loved doing maths, science and any subject. My parents chose a school nearby. I had quite a lot of friends near me growing up. They used to accompany me while going to school, even returning back. My school was full of fun. It had lots of events. Sometimes I didn’t even know why we were celebrating. Those days you don’t actually care about how time passes or how you wasted a complete day. You just don’t feel the guilt. I never had a childhood like those written in biography or genius, famous people but now that I see those are just exaggerated versions of my childhood. 

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